
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) include a range of diseases including heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. 

Through keeping a healthy weight, eating nutritious food including drinking quality water, engaging in regular physical activity and managing one’s mental health, the risk of developing NCDs drops dramatically - and quality of life can significantly improve!

This survey helps UNICEF better understand some of the attitudes and behaviours that youth have around their health and lifestyle with regards to NCDs.

Do you agree to take part in this survey?

Select one

What is Your Gender. Is it:......

Select one

Which province are you from?

Select one

How old are you? Please type in your age ............

I know the benefits of:

Check all that apply

I believe I need to...........................

Check all that apply

How important is it to you to eat nutritious food?

Select one

How ready do you feel to improve your dietary and physical activity habits?

Select one

I believe I can…

Check all that apply

I am worried what my friends might think if I… ...

Check all that apply

How confident are you that you could, if you wanted to, drink water instead of sugary drinks (like soft drinks or energy drinks)?

Select one