What do you know about nutrition labels? take the test!


Are you well-informed about what a healthy lifestyle means to you? Well, you can spare less than 3 minutes and take this quiz below. Your responses are anonymous.

For the next set of questions please choose the most correct answer on the options provided.

I have seen the - ‘My body, my health, my wealth’- campaign on health and nutrition on… (select as many as you need to)

Check all that apply

Front-of-Package Labelling is …

Select one

Front-of-package warning labels include information about:

Select one

Which of the following countries have already switched to mandatory or compulsory Front of Package labelling?

Select one

South Africa needs Front-of-Package labelling to…

Check all that apply

Which of the following diseases is an example of a non-communicable disease caused by a diet high in sugar?

Select one

More than 6 out of 10 women above the age of 15 living in South Africa are either overweight or obese

Select one

Current nutritional labels on food items in South Africa are comprehensive and clear.

Select one

Are you a UNICEF Volunteer?

Select one

How old are you?

Select one

What is your gender?

Select one

Which province do you live in

Select one

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